Our activity: Measure... but not only!


15 years evolving among magnetic separators and lifting electromagnets, to create a solid experience in a little known field, but present in almost all industries: magnetism.

Magnetism electric arc gaussmeter teslameter


This is the story of users like you , who were not satisfied with the measuring devices offered until then. The idea of ​​using the power and intelligence of a smartphone has germinated : why deprive yourself of a device capable of displaying the measurements on a large screen , of recording them time-stamped , and above all of generating a report . Not to mention other functions such as sharing and sending by e-mail , or even instantaneous on-site consultation of previously recorded values . This is what we are developing in 2022 and which we will soon have the pleasure of offering you.

This is how the adventure began, with one major constraint: we are specialists in industrial magnetism but... absolutely not a specialist in the development of applications on smartphones. Added to this is the difficulty of defining a probe capable of communicating with the electronics of a smartphone. We have therefore reinforced ourselves, with a developer for the program and an electronics engineer for the dialogue.

We also offer more classic gaussmeters, for those who do not need the functions provided by the smartphone.

Whatever your choice, we have also developed accessories to help with measurement. For example, the guide intended for taking readings on tubes is typically a tool resulting from a user problem.


You use magnet-based devices, but you are not sure that they are at their maximum performance. Measure the magnetic induction regularly to ensure that your magnet or electromagnet delivers a strong and therefore effective magnetic field. Otherwise, your entire manufacturing process may be endangered: low product quality = dissatisfied customer!

This is when we come in, to bring you our knowledge of both magnetic machines and processes, and of course our know-how in terms of the use of gaussmeters and teslameters. With us, it's a double hit: you have the car and the driver! Say in a more professional way, you have our knowledge of the behavior of magnets in separating metals, and you also have our knowledge of magnetometers.

candy process magnetic separation gauss teslameter


  • Provision of a Gaussmeter and Teslameter .
  • Control of the accuracy of your gaussmeter or teslameter, whatever its brand . Issuance of a certificate.
  • Android application to convert a smartphone into a 20000 Gauss Gaussmeter , recording the measurements and generating an archivable and shareable report. Coming soon !
  • Measurements and analysis in our workshop of your magnet or magnetic separation device. (On estimate). We do not intervene on your site.

You hesitate, you have questions about our know-how or our magnetometers, then... let us guide you! Click here

compass magnetism north south gaussmeter teslameter magnetometer magnet